Meet Dozer, the official Taste-Tester of RecipeTin Eats!

8 years ago, a bright eyed lass finally decided she was ready to take on the responsibility of her very own dog and set about for a day of “window shopping only” to look at puppies all over town.
There really was no point making all those other appointments. From the moment she laid eyes on the first golden retriever puppy she saw that day, it was all over. He was The One.

“What to name him??”, she pondered, canvassing ideas from everyone. Moet to Pedro, Bailey to Buffy, so many names were tossed around. But nothing seemed as fitting as the name he came with – Dozer.
Initially because, as a puppy, he dozed so much.
Then later, as he grew unusually large (he’s 40kg / 80 lb!) and he bulldozed through life full of boisterous energy!

He’s the official Taste Tester and Hoover around these parts. He’s excellent at hoovering all the crumbs, but he’s useless at taste testing because according to him, everything is scoff-worthy.
From broccoli to mango, peas to sushi, he inhales sweet potato skins and devours watermelon rinds like they’re meaty bones.

Every food photo you see on this website, just know that he’s just out of the shot. Under the table, next to the table, lying at my feet as I shoot videos and photos.
Eyes gleaming at the sight of a golden Roast Chicken. Salivating at the smell of Beef Stroganoff. Mesmerised as maple syrup is poured over a towering stack of pancakes…..

Every time he squeezes himself under small tables like this, I tip toe around, being sure not to make any sudden movements from fear that he’ll lunge up and make the table of food go flying…..

And on the odd occasion, I’m concentrating so hard on getting a shot that I don’t realise he’s photo bombing. Like in this Apple Cake where his furry head was in the background of every single shot!!!

With the significant amount of food he consumes both on and off the job, he’s got plenty of energy to burn and his favourite place to do just that is at the beach. He’s a water boy through and through!!

Ahh, that time we almost had pelican stew for dinner….. so close!!

Dozer’s a pretty simple fellow. He’s only got 5 modes:
Hoping to Eat
Hoping to Play
So when he’s not heavy breathing next to food I’m shooting or playing at the beach, he’s likely in this position:

As you’ve probably figured out, Dozer has me totally wrapped around his little finger paw. So while RecipeTin Eats is first and foremost a food blog, I also shamelessly use it as an outlet to share photos and stories about Dozer.
And it seems he’s built quite a fan base of regular readers!!
So you’ll find a Life of Dozer section at the bottom of every post I share nowadays. By popular demand, I even had a button built for him so readers can skip right down to see what he’s up to – which many readers confess they do, bypassing the recipe completely!😂

You know, there’s a saying that dogs look like their owners and I was always adamant that Dozer and I were the exception to the rule. Him with his golden fur, me with my jet black hair.
But then I saw this photo. The resemblance……. it’s uncanny, don’t you think?! 🤗 – Nagi x