2 weeks went by after I pressed paused …. then 3 …. and a month later, here I am. Finally coming up for air to pop in and say hello, I’ve missed you!

Hello, hello! How are you? I’ve missed you! I’ve missed being here, writing to you!
What have I been doing for this past month, while I put posting new recipes hold? Just one thing:
Working on the cookbook!

The Cookbook Vortex
This cookbook writing business is all-consuming. At least, it is for me. I am living and breathing it, 24-7. It’s the first thing on my mind when I wake up, it’s the last thing I am thinking of when I go to bed.
It’s all I want to do! I just want to cook, write, research, experiment, brainstorm.
We’re calling it The Cookbook Vortex. An appropriate name for this phenomena, this thing that has sucked me up in a way I have never experienced before. I’ve been involved in large projects in my former corporate life. But nothing has ever pulled me in like this.
It’s a strange feeling! In a wonderful way. But also, a scary way. To think that I’ll be creating something that is enshrined in print forever*, that there is no chance to fix anything once it’s printed, demanding 100% accuracy above all else, not to mention aiming for a level of ridiculous deliciousness that will make you want to try every recipe in the book….
* Also, as my mother keeps reminding me, the photos of ME will also be enshrined in print forever…. hint, hint, get back onto that exercise bike!!🤯
You can’t be everything to everyone
I’m totally new to this cookbook writing business, but it was clear from the very beginning what the hardest thing would be – CHOOSING the recipes. Here on this website, there is no limitation to the number of recipes I can share over my lifetime.
But a cookbook? Factor in all sorts of things that publishers have to consider, like book size, paper quality, hard vs soft cover, all of which affect price – and this all means a limit on recipes. The initial 120 recipes proposed by my publisher, Pan Macmillan, went up to 200 (that was me being greedy) and just as of last week, has now been pulled back to 160 (or so).
Plus sides and all sorts of bonus extras. Again, just me being greedy. 😇
You can’t be everything to everyone. A wise reminder from my publisher to keep the cookbook focussed on the type of food that is the heart and soul of RecipeTin Eats. So wise, I have it written on sticky notes that I’ve left around the house as a constant reminder, to keep myself from panicking about this oppressive limit I have on the number of recipes I can include in the cookbook…😂 #Greedy!

Oh, and putting up sticky notes like this also helps keep me from fretting!

Your messages keep my spirits up!
That all said and done, telling you about how much I am enjoying making this cookbook, there are more days than I care to admit when I am overwhelmed. My family and friends are worried that I have set the bar too high, that I will never be happy.
My instant response – I SHOULD aim high. Because unlike this website, a cookbook is not free. If people are paying good money for it, I should work harder on it!
So yes. I am working too hard. The days are too long. I am working most weekends. Because I want to!
And though I try to maintain a totally-in-control-cheerful-face in front of my team, some days, I do lose my confidence. And on such days, I find great solace going back to read the supportive messages that you took the time to leave. I can’t tell you the number of times I’ve done that! Sometimes, it is just the boost I need for a reset.
And of course, the suggestions and requests! We actually collated the feedback into usable data to help guide what recipes will be in the cookbook! (It’s the accountant in me, I just couldn’t resist).
So thank you, again, for taking the time to leave those messages. While it may have seemed small to you, it has made a big difference to me! ❤️

Sneak peek – behind the scenes!
And to wrap up this latest instalment in the Making of a Cookbook – a little peek behind the scenes of what’s been going down at RTE HQ! Unsurprisingly, lots and lots (and lots) of tasty food!
In fact, the cookbook master list shows that we’ve tried 94 recipes since we started the cookbook in early October. Many of which have been made multiple times.
Do the maths… that’s a A LOT of cooking!!! 😂

Plenty of successes, but also quite a few fails! Well, not fails. I have had a few completely inedible disasters, but mostly they are just deemed “not cookbook-worthy”, such as these:
Vietnamese Coconut Caramel Fish – not good enough! One Pot Chicken and Risotto – not good enough!
In case you are wondering about the above dishes that look perfectly edible:
Vietnamese Coconut Caramel Fish – Achieving that perfect sauce you see is quite tricky. I struggled to replicate the results. Too risky! Ditched.
One Pot Chicken and Risotto – An attempt at a “dump and bake” no stir risotto. No good – unevenly cooked risotto under the chicken. Think it needs to start on the stove, like this recipe.
And as you might imagine, with lots of cooking comes lots of dirty dishes. So many dishes!!! I’ve taken to a system of using a large tub to keep dishes out of the way, and tackling them in big loads at a time. And strangely, all of a sudden, Dozer has taken an interest in helping with the washing up….😂
Also, a professional food photographer trial day!

I plan to do most of the photos for the cookbook but I won’t be able to manage them all due to the tight schedule we’re working towards and the sheer number of photos (yes, every recipe will have at least one photo!). So some of the photos will be done by a professional food photographer and food stylist.
Having never worked with a professional before, my publisher thought it would be best for me to see how a shoot day goes down. It’s not much different to how I do it myself really, except that his camera is worth 4 times mine, and the food stylist doesn’t jump up and down with elation when the quesadilla is cut open to reveal the perfect cheese ooze.
RecipeTin Meals, going strong!
And, in other news, an update on RecipeTin Meals (RTM)! This is my philanthropic arm where we make homemade meals to provide to the vulnerable in Sydney. I started it during the most recent COVID Lockdowns in Sydney in August 2021. I have a full time Chef and Kitchenhand who work in the RTM commercial kitchen in Kings Cross, Sydney city, making meals which are distributed 6 days a week.
We’ve spent the last few months ironing out day-to-day operational issues and things are smooth sailing these days. Meal output has increased to at least 150 per day PLUS desserts most days! That 2 people can produce so much in one day constantly amazes me.
I get a kick out of seeing my recipes cooked at huge scale!! (PS I share the RTM weekly meal plan on Instagram Stories each week. You can just make it for 5, instead of 150 😉)

Acceptance of donations, pending!
And to those of you who were so kind as to inquire about how you might support RTM, thank you for asking! We are still yet to receive our official charitable entity status that will allow me to legally receive donations. So for now, the proceeds from this website continue to fund RTM, which is exactly how I intended it to be from the outset.
To me, the sense of responsibility I feel to ensure that 150 meals go out every day is too great to risk reliance on uncertain external funding. I wanted to establish a baseline that I knew I could support by myself. And from this, I plan to grow further hopefully with the support of the community, the government and generous corporates (oh boy do I plan to hit up corporates next year! 😂)
Pressing pause until January 2022
And so, with that much longer than anticipated update (I told you, I’ve missed chatting to you!) it probably comes as no surprise to you when I say that I do not see myself sharing new recipes until the end of January 2022 which is when my manuscript is due to my Publisher. I literally cannot fit it in – at least, not without compromising the cookbook which isn’t even a remote possibility.
So, bear with me! I will pop in every now and then to let you know how I’m getting on. And I plan to breath new life into recipes I shared in the earlier years that you may have never come across by bringing them to the homepage.
I also have you covered for the holiday season! Not new recipes, but I have ideas for other ways to enjoy the holiday feasting session with you!
A complete fabrication
I was going to sign off with this photo, leaving you with this image of serene happiness as I tick off another successful recipe. But actually, it’s a complete fabrication…….

THIS is how I really react to a successful recipe:
You know that saying about food so good, it makes you do a happy dance?
There’s been a lot of happy dancing around these parts!
Stay well! I WILL get back to sharing new recipes in early 2022 once my cookbook manuscript is submitted. 100% promise, pinky swear! – Nagi x
Life of Dozer
What would a cookbook update be without an update on the Life of Dozer?? 😂
Dozer is, as you may have guessed, giddy with excitement at the increased volume of food surrounding him at all times. Very, very good food at that!!

Life outside of the kitchen also remains pretty good for Life of Dozer. Regular beach sessions…

…and there was the RecipeTin Melbourne Cup Yakitori BBQ party… (he won best dressed by stealing my fascinator)

Project Manager Dozer is also a regular on the construction site that was once home, and apparently will once again be my home in a mere 7 days!!! Hard to imagine, looking at these photos which were taken on the weekend! (I have total faith in my builders. It WILL happen!)

I’m also happy to report that Jeff, the local who lives at the dog park, cruised through COVID Lockdowns just fine. He remains as one of the regular RTE official taste testers, and Dozer is still totally shameless, begging for a taste of the very food I gave Jeff not 2 minutes ago!

However, I am sad to report that all that extra taste testing Dozer’s been doing lately has been going straight to his rump. The vet has advised that he’s carrying a little COVID pudge that needs to be budged.

Don’t worry Dozer. You still look great, just a little curvier! 😂
You’re supposed to be back, but I only received one email from you. Worried I somehow am no longer on your mailing list. Please respond because I’ve missed your emails, thanks
Hi Navi, I hope that all is well with you and the cookbook project is completed? It seems such a long time since I received your last email update and wanted to check that all was good with Dozer & yourself?
National I love you! You are so talented funny and just a great person to be around. Wish that was. And of coarse Dozer, such a sweetheart.
Missing you Nagi. I hope all is going well with your book. Look forward to seeing you again soon-a-roo!!!
Dear Nagi
I been cooking your recepies for quite a long time now, I love them.
I cannot wait to buy your cookbook.
Is Dozer going to be in the book?
OF COURSE!! He’s the star! N x
Can’t wait to buy your book Nagi! I just love how your recipes are focused on ‘normal people’ food. Every time I cook one of your recipes they always turn out perfectly. I’m making the 12-hour Lamb Shoulder tonight/tomorrow; comforted by the fact that, if I follow your recipe, it’s a guaranteed winner. I just prepped the marinade and rubbed it over my two lamb shoulders (taking your advice and making two so I have leftovers – my husband would scoff a shoulder on his own if I let him!). Even my husband gets excited when I’m making one of your recipes because he knows it’s going to come out as advertised in your photography. I’m dying to get my hands on your book because I know there’ll be some insanely tasty recipes. Thank you for supporting us by generously sharing your knowledge so we can make wonderful meals that nourish the bodies and souls of our loved ones; I’m looking forward to supporting you by buying your book and telling everyone I know about it!
Oh Danielle!! That message just made my day! Thanks for taking the time to write and I’m with your husband on this one – what is possibly wrong with scoffing an entire lamb shoulder on your own??!! N x
Sure missing see you
and Dozer in my mail tool.
Hope you are both well and just swamped with making of your cookbook.
Looking forward to the publishing date.
Best wishes!
Avid fan
We will be back soon!! N x
waiting patiently for your cookbook I must have it
Had so many successful dinners using your recipes
thank you
Knock, knock. Nagi are you home? We haven’t heard from you in AGES!!! Is everything alright? Please drop a line to your loyal fans. We need a “Nagi fix”, please.
YES!!! I’m still here, I’m buried in cookbook world. Doing a little update post this weekend! Thank you for checking in 🙂 N x
Nagi- you and Dozer are fantastic and I can’t wait for your cookbook! When are we thinking it might be out??
It is scheduled for Oct 2022 Susan! N x
Thank you! Looking forward to it!!
SOOOO miss your presence – my inbox is missing you!!! Very much hope you are well and enjoying the efforts to get that cookbook done. WE can’t wait!
Thanks Linda!! I am plugging away at it! N x
Dear Nagi,
Just letting you know we’re thinking of you and the team especially in light of relentless flooding. Miss you and Dozer and hope you’re not impacted! Sending you best wishes and virtual hugs. Waiting with bated breath.. S x
Thanks Sandy – we are all safe and relatively dry – a few leaks but nothing as bad as many people so we were lucky! N x
Dear Nagi,
Just letting you know we’re thinking of you, Dozer and the team especially in light of relentless flooding. Miss you and hope you’re not impacted! Sending you best wishes and virtual hugs. Waiting with bated breath.. S x
Hi Nagi
A big hallo from a NZ kiwi living in the Netherlands.
I too am missing your updates and new recipes. I cook regularly from your recipes and find the clear instructions very helpful, together with the additional notes/recommendations.
I want to buy your cookbook as soon as it is comes out. Hope we can purchase it easily from this part of the world.
I also miss Dozer and his adventures, and look forward to his tales as well. He sure is a lucky dog being able to test all the new recipes!
Hi Nagi. Just making sure I haven’t dropped off your mailing list. Good luck with The Cookbook. Looking forward to being back in the loop.
No one has dropped off the mailing list!! I promise all of you will be getting emails as soon as I am able to start posting again! N x
Love your recipes. Love your site. Can’t wait to buy your cookbook. Keep going!
Hi Nagi, I am missing your regular updates on latest recipes (and Dozer). Looking forward to purchasing the cookbook – trusting that all is well.
All good here Peter!! Just slogging away on the editing and photography of the cookbook!! N x
HI Nagi,
I just tried your lemon potatoes and they were wonderful. You are always my “go to site” for any recipe. I have made many.Good luck on your cookbook. I can’t wait. We have an Australian son-in-law so I’m always checking and making your recipes.
Warm Regards
Just planning a one pot chicken dinner tonight and looking forward to a cookbook update. it is a HUGE job. I hope it is going well.
It is getting there – I am onto the photography now!! N x
Soooo looking forward to your cookbook Nagi! I haven’t bought an actual print cookbook (or any book) in quite some time, trying to be minimalist, but yours is going to be a must have! Thanks for always being so upbeat and lovely, you are a breath of fresh air every day <3